Who does not know it. For years people have cherished and cared for their trees and watched them grow and prosper. But sometimes it happens that our trees die for some reason. If you as a gardener are faced with the difficult choice of what to do with the partially or completely dead tree.
Sure, the classic method is chopping down the roots and taking them away. But there may still be an option. Why not find a creative ending for the stretched tree?
We at DMITRII Design maybe have an idea. How about creating an artistic garden element from the tree that is still planted or the corresponding areas?
Here is a little story:
"Once upon a time there was a dwarf juniper.
It grew for 40 years in a garden on the hillside and gave three generations and countless bedding plants protection from sun, heavy rain and snow for almost half a century.
But one winter it came to the fact that the snow was so much that the strong and healthy dwarf juniper (meanwhile LxW 4x3m) could not carry this weight and one of its main branches broke off.
What should happen now to the long-time companion?
The owners had 3 options:
Since the tree had rooted so far in its 40 decades that it was intertwined with other neighboring trees on the one hand and had a certain support for the slope area on the other hand, it was decided not to fell it.
You had 3 options:
The second option of only leaving the healthy branch and removing the broken one was also abandoned for static and visual reasons.
Ultimately, they decided on a creative solution, namely to cut back the broken branch so that it remained a stable counterweight to the other branch and to convert it into an integrated work of art of a different kind.
For this we were from DMITRII DESIGN asked to create an artistic draft that fit both into the look of the garden design and at the same time had no static or health impact on the tree.
Follow us and experience how an old friend shines in new splendor
You also have such a well-earned garden companion and do not want to part with him, but prefer to transform it into something new through metamorphosis.
We would be happy to advise you with our ideas for an individual work of art.